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Hong Kong Awards For Environmental Excellence 2010/11 - Wastewi$e Label
2011-11-01 12:11:00

The Wastewi$e Label’ is a waste recognition scheme established by Hong Kong Environment Protection Department (EPD) in 2008. Managed by Hong Kong Productivity Council, the scheme is well supported and recognised by the community. It is regarded as one of the most reliable and credible environmental awards programme in Hong Kong.

China Resources Property Management Limited (CRPML) has been awarded the ‘Wastewi$e Label’ annually since 2008. Besides, it is the first year for the China Resources Property Limited to join CRPML in this important environmental initiative. Moving forward, the two companies will continue to support the scheme by reducing the waste generated daily from their business operations. In addition, CRPL will also contribute to Hong Kong’s greenhouse gas emissions reduction and climate change challenge to fully fulfil our corporate social responsibility.